Hudson vs. Jenkins
21. March 2012
Do you remember Hudson CI? If you did some CI two years ago then you know Hudson and you also know that after the acquisition of Sun by Oracle there was hassle in the community. End of story was that the lead developer Khosuke and some of his fellows spun of the Jenkins project. That’s the short version. For the longer one ask the search engine of your choice. But one import issue for newbies to CI is the question: Which project should we use?…
Nice Resources For Learning Ruby
19. March 2012
If you ever wanted to start learning Ruby the big question to answer is: Where to star? I recommend Learning Ruby from the Pragmatic Programmers. Documentation for the Core and the Standard Library is available, too. Always a good place to find answers is Stack Overflow.
Fuck Of Wordpress
18. March 2012
Wordpress was my first blog software. I used it since roundabout six years now. Writing an own plugin for my blog was one of my first steps learning PHP. After my experiences with Java 1.4 and MS Visual C++ 6.0 from 2002 until 2005 I came over to the web scripting area and got in touch with PHP. The new OOP features and the short round trip time I liked.…
All Web Developers Should Stop Doing This Immediately, Too
16. February 2012
Christopher Mims complains about the fact that a website is treating him with his iPad as a second class citizen. He’s right that web developers shouldn’t do that. But he’s arguing that he don’t want to download the offered iPad-App because in his option this is antisocial doing that on a low bandwidth public wifi. Is it better to watch a video over that low bandwidth public wifi? And more important: I wanted to give him this feedback on his blog.…
Maven And Arbitrary Jar Files
4. January 2012
Since I’m coding sometimes with Java I also use Maven to manage dependencies. It is a very easy and straight forward approach to use Maven. Also very nice that Netbeans just opens a POM file. No need to configure a project or such. But now I was confronted with the need to include a library which is only available as stand alone jar file. The solution is to install the jar file into your local Maven repository as described here.…
Only SSL access to my blog
30. December 2011
Some time ago I configured my blog to serve both HTTP and HTTPS. From now on I will redirect all non-SSL requests permanently to HTTPS. The reason is that no one access the login page without SSL by accident. If you encounter any problems please let me know. Unless you have installed the CAcert root certificates in your browser, you will become a warning about my server’s certificate. To prevent this install the root certificates from here.…
Plugins To Harden Your WordPress
28. December 2011
Just stumbled over a blog post with a collection of 16 WordPress plugins to secure your blog installation. Some of them sounds not that strong but some of them sounds interesting. I’ll checkout some of them an maybe report about them, if they are worth mentioning it.
Writing Compilers and Interpreters
28. December 2011
A Software Engineering Approach I have bought a Book from Ronald Mak about how to write compilers and interpreters. Interesting approach is the software design view: How to specify and implement the modules/components language independent as possible. This book is a good extension to the book Language Implementation Patterns from Terence Parr. The code I produce during my lessons you can see on GitHub.
Parser and Image Generator for EBNF
2. October 2011
Some days ago I searched for a tool which can visualizes EBNF grammars. I don’t care what kind of visualization: Desktop tool or a command line tool which generates images, PDF or such. The only tool I found was a Windows tool. That didn’t satisfy me because I don’t want to start my VM each time for only checking my grammar visually. But I found some moldy PHP code from Vincent Tscherter here which generates PNG or XML files from an EBNF grammar.…
NinjaUI jQuery UI library
17. July 2011
Just playing around with NinjaUI for a private project. It’s a nice stylish UI plugin for jQuery. It’s not that large and complex than jQuery UI. It has less feature and options but in my opinion the better UI design. One of the unique features are the symbols realized with web fonts. Take a look at it, but beware it’s still beta.