Hudson vs. Jenkins

21. March 2012 • edited 26. May 2020

Do you remember Hudson CI? If you did some CI two years ago then you know Hudson and you also know that after the acquisition of Sun by Oracle there was hassle in the community. End of story was that the lead developer Khosuke and some of his fellows spun of the Jenkins project. That’s the short version. For the longer one ask the search engine of your choice.

But one import issue for newbies to CI is the question: Which project should we use? If you see the numbers the answer is quite clear:

Measurement Metric Jenkins Hudson
User upgrades since March 2011 85% 15%
User upgrades since March 2011 2300 300
Average # of commits in plugins/week 280 16
GitHub repositories 603 10
GitHub watchers 833 135
GitHub members 117 9
User + Dev mailing list traffic/week 1295 299
Dev list subscribers 1150 508
Dev list growth since March 2011 +41% -7%
User list subscribers 2084 800
User list growth since March 2011 +62% -8%
Twitter followers 4826 593

The numbers are from this PDF.

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