Maven And Arbitrary Jar Files
4. January 2012
Since I’m coding sometimes with Java I also use Maven to manage dependencies. It is a very easy and straight forward approach to use Maven. Also very nice that Netbeans just opens a POM file. No need to configure a project or such. But now I was confronted with the need to include a library which is only available as stand alone jar file. The solution is to install the jar file into your local Maven repository as described here.…
Writing Compilers and Interpreters
28. December 2011
A Software Engineering Approach I have bought a Book from Ronald Mak about how to write compilers and interpreters. Interesting approach is the software design view: How to specify and implement the modules/components language independent as possible. This book is a good extension to the book Language Implementation Patterns from Terence Parr. The code I produce during my lessons you can see on GitHub.
Parser and Image Generator for EBNF
2. October 2011
Some days ago I searched for a tool which can visualizes EBNF grammars. I don’t care what kind of visualization: Desktop tool or a command line tool which generates images, PDF or such. The only tool I found was a Windows tool. That didn’t satisfy me because I don’t want to start my VM each time for only checking my grammar visually. But I found some moldy PHP code from Vincent Tscherter here which generates PNG or XML files from an EBNF grammar.…
NinjaUI jQuery UI library
17. July 2011
Just playing around with NinjaUI for a private project. It’s a nice stylish UI plugin for jQuery. It’s not that large and complex than jQuery UI. It has less feature and options but in my opinion the better UI design. One of the unique features are the symbols realized with web fonts. Take a look at it, but beware it’s still beta.
What causes E_STRICT errors in PHP
16. July 2011
Some months ago this question came up on my work. We asked our self what kind of errors causes an E_STRICT error. The naive approach was to search the php.net. But I didn’t find anything about that. Yes there is some information what number E_STRICT has and that it causes errors if you don’t satisfy the strict standards and it’s important to be future compatible. But why? And what? Then I thought: Ok, to implement this feature (E_STRICT standard) they needed a list for what they will throw an E_STRICT error.…
Launched Website for a Video Cutter
23. April 2011
Some days ago I launched a new website. It’s the portfolio of my former neighbor. He’s a talented digital video cutter always searching for new interesting projects to work on near Stuttgart in Germany. For this website I used first time the Sublime video player. Very nice tool. Easy to integrate and with powerful JavaScript API. The player supports HTML5 video tag but also provides a Flash fallback for browser which did not support HTML5 or a proper codec.…
Darcs in Hudson/Jenkins CI
15. February 2011
At work we’re using heavily the DVCS Darcs. Beyond dispute Darcs is in my opinion a good and suitable workhorse. Ok, it’s not that hip like Git is. But the biggest drawback is the lack of integration in other tools like IDEs, issue trackers, build tools etc. There is also no SCM integration for Hudson/Jenkins continuous integration server, which we’re using at work, too. Long time I were complaining about this bad integration like others, too.…
Unit Test Your Cocoa Application with GHUnit
21. March 2010
In the last years I have good experiences with Unit testing. It gives you more safety that your software meets your behavioral requirements. So I searched for some frameworks to make tests for my Cocoa application. I found GHUnit. A project started by Gabriel Handford. The source is available on GitHub.
Recommended Books for learning Objective-C and Cocoa
20. March 2010
Since some time I keep busy with learning Objective-C to program on my Mac. There are several good resources in the web. But I like to read books. So I find a very good book to learn the concepts ob Objective-C. It’s Programming in Objective-C from Stephen G. Kocham. If you go further with programming on a Mac you will reach something called Cocoa (pronounced [ko:ko:]). It’s some thing like a rich framework (in deed there are several) which makes it easy to you to program nice (desktop) applications.…
Nice Objective-C 2.0 Tutorial
19. March 2010
Scott Stevenson posted a nice tutorial about new Features in Objective-C 2.0 in Mac OS: A Quick Objective-C 2.0 Tutorial and A Quick Objective-C 2.0 Tutorial: Part II.